
position number job location release date

rfic job description unlimited beijing 2019-09-30

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job responsibilities:

  • responsible for cmos rf transceivers design.

  • participate in systematic level modeling and simulation, involves in system scheme determination.

  • design various building blocks of a rf transceiver including pa, lna, mixer, pll etc.

  • work with algorithms, asic and other groups to define rf transceiver control and calibration plan. design control and calibration sub-circuits including agc, afc, tpc, iq-calibration, dcoc etc.

  • design and guide the rfic layout.

  • test rf transceiver performances in systematic level or block level.

job qualifications:

  • master degree or above in ee or related fields.

  • strong cmos rf and analog ic design foundations.

  • familiar with transceiver design, be proficient in at least one transceiver building block.

  • familiar with mainstream rfic eda tools and at least one em simulation tool.

iot software engineer unlimited beijing 2019-09-30

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job responsibilities:

  • wifi related iot sdk development;

  • porting iot firmware to client's operating system;

  • integrating the third party sdk to iot system;

job qualifications:

  • bachelor degree or above in electronic engineering, computer science and related majors;

  • familiar with rtos;

  • strong c programming and debugging ability;

  • good english skill in both of reading and writing

  • good communication skills, able to express ideas clearly, and good team spirit.

linux software engineer unlimited beijing 2019-09-30

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job responsibilities:

  • software development of wifi or other communications products;

  • firmware development, provide technical support on software development

job qualifications:

  • bachelor degree or above in electronic engineering, computer science and related majors;

  • familiar with development on linux platform

  • strong coding and debugging ability;

  • good english skill in both of reading and writing;

  • good communication skills, able to express ideas clearly, and good team spirit

pll engineer unlimited beijing 2019-09-30

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job responsibilities:

  • supervision for cmos rfic clock related module design, including pll(sub-ghz ,ghz and mm wave), lo and osc;

  • close collaboration with algorithm & asic team to have good concept and understanding of communication standard as well as module specification summarized;

  • conduct for rfic design and layout;

  • futures full engagement in system test ,especially the indispensable guide of clock related root cause analysis and solution identifications for product ;

job qualifications:

  • master degree in electronics engineering related or above;

  • expected to possess a strong understanding of cmos rfic and analog design, including design , simulation, layout and verification;

  • solid knowledge of rfic tools such as spectre, ads , golden gate, hfss, momentum and ie3d , mass production experience would be preferred;

  • be familiar with wireless communication ,strong circuit analysis ,conceptualization and problem solving skills will be plus ;

  • deep knowledge of cmos technology related;

  • good programming expertise , like matlab, perl, c, and ocean ;

  • demonstrable-self motivation, highly responsible , open &team oriented attitude and good  communication skills ;

analog ic designer unlimited beijing 2019-09-30

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job responsibilities:

  • analog/ mixed signal circuit design, including adc, dac,filter,dc-dc。

  • module design, system design and verification, can help direct layout design. responsible for system verification and mass production.

  • responsible for module qualification, documentation and assist whole system design.

job qualifications:

  • with ee master/ doctor degree

  • high cmos analog circuit design and analysis skill

  • adc, dac, amp, filter, dc-dc design experience

  • good communication skill, can express oneself clearly, good team player.

  • software experience with matlab, perl, c, skill, ocean

  • good wireless communication knowledge, good circuit analysis and failure analysis ability

asic engineer unlimited beijing 2019-09-30

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job responsibilities:

  • work with the algorithm group, to develop the advantage system architecture.

  • be familiar with soc/computer architecture.

  • good understanding of the wireless communication system and knows the basic function of layer 2 networks.

  • expert at verilog/vhdl design.

  • block level synthesis and sta.

  • be familiar with dft technology.

  • power estimation and low power design technology.

job qualifications:

  • master or doctor’s degree of ee or related major.

  • be familiar with uvm or ovm.

  • expert at verilog rtl design and verification.

  • be familiar with digital signal processing and matlab.

  • good at perl/sv/c or tcl.

  • good communication skills and team workers are preferred.
